中币大咖直播二十八期: Dawn如何为电竞行业赋能并普惠游戏爱好者

2024-08-30 区块链达人




热聊大咖」直播第二十八期于11319:30在中币APP热聊群【DAWN热聊群】开启,对话主题为《Dawn如何为电竞行业赋能并普惠游戏爱好者》,ZB集团商务总监Jessica深度对话DAWN CEO Joe Zhou和CTO Mikko Ohtamaa。


Host: Good evening, everyone. I m Jessica, business director of


Group. Welcome to the Dawn Hot chat group of ZB APP! Dawn, as a four-year-old project, has become more mature and the experience of decentralized gaming has been upgraded.Now we ve got Dawn CEO Joe Chow and CTO Mikko Ohtamaa back to share some of Dawn s latest developments. Let s start by welcoming some of our guests to introduce themselves!


主持人:大家晚上好,我是ZB集团商务总监Jessica,欢迎来到中币APP DAWN热聊群!DAWN作为一个创立4年历史的老项目,如今已经发展的越发成熟了,去中心化电竞的体验也得到了升级。现在


再次邀请到了Dawn的CEO Joe Chow和CTO Mikko Ohtamaa来和大家分享关于Dawn的一些进展。


Q1:For some of our users who don’t know about Dawn, could you give a brief intro of it?

Mikko:Dawn started as FirstBlood 1ST token that was created back in 2016, being the third notable token sale on Ethereum. Today, the upgraded Dawn token can be used on FirstBlood Esports platform. The decentralized Esports experience allows global players to participate in more secure and transparent games. Using smart contract to solve the problem of bounty distribution. It not only benefits the player, but also enhances the player s autonomy and gives them  an unprecedented sense of participation.


Mikko:Dawn 代币于2020年4首发,它的前身是FirstBlood 开发的 1st 代币,最初创建于2016年。如今,升级后的 Dawn 已经应用于 FirstBlood 电竞平台。从实力玩家的基本确权开始,以多种方式实现升级的去中心化电竞体验。

让全球电竞玩家参与更为安全,透明的比赛,并利用智能合约解决赏金分配的问题。同时,依托于 FirstBlood 平台拥有的20万用户,增强了玩家的自主性,并给予他们一种前所未有的参与感。Dawn 的应用人群广泛,遍布全球。


Q2:What has been achieved in Dawn community for the last few months?

Joe:Warzone launch on FirstBlood platform was a big success. We have 179,425 matches played. Dawn token got listed on DigiFinex, Uniswap and SushiSwap. Now Dawn token holders can use Dawn to buy xCredits on FirstBlood platform to participate in buy-in tournaments. 


Q2:在过去的几个里,Dawn 社区取得了怎样的成绩?

Joe:首先,使命召唤战区在 FirstBlood 平台上推出后取得了巨大的成功,仅在过去的两周里,平台上就进行了179,425场比赛。另外,Dawn 相继在 DigiFinex、Uniswap 和 SushiSwap 上市。并且现在 Dawn 的持有者可以使用 Dawn 在 FirstBlood 平台上购买 x信用值来参加比赛。


Q3:What is going on with Dawn for now?

Joe:Our MakerDAO partnership “Dai hard” tournament went live. MakerDAO sponsors $10,000 paid matches where the DAI is the main prize. Now FirstBlood gamers can also use DAI to get into the games. We expect more crypto partnerships announced soon. 


Q3:目前 Dawn 项目的工作重点在哪里?

Joe:我们与 Defi 先驱 MakerDao 正式开展了合作伙伴关系。目前合作举办的 “Dai hard” 锦标赛已拉开序幕。比赛总奖金10,000美金将由DAI的形式发放给获奖玩家。FirstBlood 的玩家也可以使用DAI参与游戏。同时我们也期待开展更多元化的合作伙伴关系。


Q4:What are currently the largest challenges for Dawn?

Mikko:Ethereum network cognestion and gas fees prevent more widespread use of the token. We have a lot of daily competitions that are filled with micro prize pools. It is too small to be efficiently transferred on Ethereum mainnet. We have started to look at which L2 solution is going to be the winner and then migrate our token there.  


Q4:Dawn 目前面临的最大挑战是什么?

Mikko:以太网络拥堵和高昂的矿工费用在一定程度上阻碍了为  Dawn 做更多应用的开发,我们有一大堆小数净额奖级的比赛,这个金额无法在以太主网上高效传输。我们已经开始研究哪种L2方案会是赢家,然后把 Dawn 迁移到那里。 


Q5:What future features Dawn token has?

Joe:As inspired by Balance’s snapshot.page product, Dawn token governance is likely going to use this platform. Dawn token holders would be allowed to vote for new games, different tournament parameters and generally make things more exciting around the token.


Q5:未来 Dawn 还会增加哪些新功能?

Joe:受到 Balance 的  snapshot.page 的产品的启发,Dawn 的治理可能会使用这个平台。Dawn 持有者将被允许为新游戏、不同的赛事的参数进行投票,并让 Dawn 项目整体变的更具有吸引力。


Q6:What are the new games coming up?

Mikko:We are currently working on League of Legends (LOL) and couple of high profile battle royale titles we cannot mention yet. If you have any favorite games you like please contact us on Dawn or FirstBlood Discords and bring them up.


Q6:是否有计划中将要引入 FirstBlood 平台的新游戏?
