官方版块--Filecoin Liftoff Week活动第四天回顾

2024-07-22 区块链达人

Filecoin Liftoff Week第四天的活动结束了。我们听到了整个Web3生态系统的构建者,企业家和活动家的声音,包括Internet存档创始人Brewster Kahle,Pinata的CTO Matt Ober和首席执行官Kyle Tut,Livepeer创始人Doug Petkanics,Carbon Five首席开发商Hannah Howard和斯坦福大学区块链研究中心的Jonathan Dotan等。今天的主题是“在Filecoin上存储”,以下是今天活动的一些要点,以及明天活动的一些简要信息。

Today we wrapped up day 4 at Filecoin Liftoff Week. We heard from builders, entrepreneurs, and activists across the Web3 ecosystem and beyond, including Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle, Pinata’s CTO Matt Ober and CEO Kyle Tut, Livepeer founder Doug Petkanics, Carbon Five principal developer Hannah Howard, and Jonathan Dotan of the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research, and more. Here are some highlights from today’s “Store on Filecoin” events, and a snapshot of what’s in store for tomorrow.

视频和视觉媒体是今天议程上反复讨论的问题。Livepeer创始人兼首席执行官Doug Petkanics谈到Livepeer的目标是“建立人类开放的视频基础设施”。视频占互联网下游流量的60%。大量视频被消耗,没有被存储。Petkanics强调,随着越来越多具有视频功能的设备(例如汽车)上线,我们将看到需要记录、存储、分析和共享的视频激增。当今的基础设施无法跟上社会或经济的发展。从社会角度来看,当今的基础设施将继续集中在一些专有的平台上,这些平台将垄断在线视频流量。从财务上来说,基于Web3的视频已被证明比其他集中式选项便宜10到100倍,确保将来可以继续使用视频基础设施。斯坦福大学区块链研究中心的乔纳森·多坦(Jonathan Dotan)强调了确保视觉媒体进入去中心化网络的重要性。他讨论了出处和弹性是可持续视频解决方案的最关键因素,并强调了Filecoin提供该可验证基础架构的机会。

Video and visual media were recurring points of discussion in today’s agenda. Livepeer founder and CEO Doug Petkanics talked about Livepeer’s goal of “building humanity’s open video infrastructure.” Video makes up for 60% of the internet’s downstream traffic. A tremendous amount of video is consumed, but not stored. Petkanics emphasized that as more and more video-enabled devices come online (e.g. cars), we are going to see a proliferation of video that needs to be recorded, stored, analyzed, and shared. Today’s infrastructure cannot keep up - societally or financially. From a societal perspective, today’s infrastructure will continue centralizing in a few proprietary platforms that will monopolize online video traffic. Financially, Web3-powered video has proven 10-100x cheaper than alternative centralized options, ensuring access to video infrastructure will remain open in the future. Jonathan Dotan of the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research emphasized the importance of ensuring visual media moves onto a decentralized network. He discussed provenance and resilience as the most critical reasons for a sustainable video solution, and emphasized Filecoin’s opportunity to provide that verifiable infrastructure.

今天从本周余下的时间里清楚地传达了一个潜在的、一致的信息:Filecoin的启动填补了Web3难题中的一个空白。互联网档案馆的创始人布鲁斯特·卡勒(Brewster Kahle)与胡安·贝内特(Juan Benet)讨论了存储在维护关键互联网信息中的作用。这次演讲的主题是,Filecoin的推出使互联网档案馆的下一个阶段能够保护所有人的信息。CRSReports的创始人Antoine McGrath和Bill Marczak强调,他们提供每一份国会研究服务报告的任务正随着Filecoin和IPFS的发展进入下一个阶段,这将确保他们公开的文件将在一个分散的网络上永久存在。

Today made clear an underlying and consistent message from the rest of the week: Filecoin’s launch has filled a missing piece in the puzzle of Web3. Founder of the Internet Archive Brewster Kahle talked with Juan Benet about the role of storage in the maintenance of critical internet information. The theme of the talk was that Filecoin’s launch enables the next phase in the Internet Archive’s mission to protect all of humanity’s information. Antoine McGrath and Bill Marczak - founders of CRSReports - emphasized that their mission to make available every Congressional Research Service Reports is arriving at the next phase of evolution with Filecoin and IPFS, which ensures the documents they are making public will exist in perpetuity on a decentralized network.

在Filecoin Liftoff Week即将结束之际,许多讨论和座谈会都将目光投向了未来。Brewster Kahle警告说,我们现在正面临着目睹开放协议崩溃和集中化平台偏好的风险。他敦促人们将时间投入到建立“空白……但去中心化”上。炉边聊天以Filecoin Archives的宣布结束,该努力旨在开始将人类最关键的信息迁移到去中心化网络以确保其保存。乔纳森·多坦(Jonathan Dotan)在他的演讲“从存储到正义”中强调了未来危机的可能性。他从纽伦堡审判开始,纽伦堡审判利用文件作为犯罪证据,为二战期间的战争罪行,特别是大屠杀期间的战争罪行制定了广泛的司法制度。他将这些审判与叙利亚最近发生的暴力事件作了比较,在此期间,由于全球范围内猖獗的错误信息,使得文件无法用作证据。他将我们当前的状态描述为“真相危机”,并迫使我们所有人确保新兴权力下放协议保持强大并且完整,以恢复和保护未来的正义。

As we near the end of Filecoin Liftoff Week, many of the talks and panels have turned an eye towards the future. Brewster Kahle warned that we’re at risk now of witnessing the collapse of open protocols and the preference of centralized platforms. He urged people to invest their time in building “blanks…but decentralized.” Slack, but decentralized. Google docs, but decentralized. The fireside chat ended with the announcement of Filecoin Archives, an effort to begin migrating humanity’s most crucial information onto the decentralized network to ensure its preservation. Jonathan Dotan emphasized the potential of future crises in his talk “From Storage to Justice.” He began with the Nuremberg Trials, which used documentation as evidence of crime to enact wide scale justice for war crimes during World War II, the Holocaust in particular. He compared those trials to recent violence in Syria, during which documentation could not be used as evidence due to rampant global misinformation. He described our current state as “a crisis of truth” and compelled all of us to ensure that emerging decentralized protocols remain powerful and remain full of integrity to restore and protect justice for the future.



This week is Filecoin Liftoff Week, five days of talks, panels, workshops, demos, and community events. From October 19 - 23, tune in to listen to leaders from across the Web3 ecosystem as we celebrate Filecoin’s launch last week and plan for its continued growth in the months and years to come. Register and join us!

Tomorrow, October 23, is day 5 of Liftoff Week. It’s our last day of the event, and it’s all about the Future of Filecoin. A preview of the agenda:

太平洋夏令时中午12:00:我们的最后一天将与Protocol Labs的Molly Mackinlay,Jeromy Johnson和Colin Evran以及Dialectic的Ryan Zurner共同拉开帷幕。


太平洋夏令时下午1:45:互联网档案馆的Wendy Hanamura,斯坦福大学区块链研究中心的乔纳森·多坦和监护人项目的内森将参加一个小组讨论会,讨论为什么保存人类最重要的数据对于“我们共享历史的监护人”至关重要。


太平洋夏令时下午2:55:与“ Meet the Filecoin Foundation”和来自整个生态系统的Web3领导一起举办“提升周”。