
2024-07-07 区块链达人



,Filecoin和IPFS)之间的互操作性。这就是为什么我们很高兴宣布Protocol Labs与以太坊领域最受信任的软件工程领导者之一ConsenSys扩大合作的原因。PL是领导IPFS和Filecoin开发的组织,这项新的合作将Filecoin的分布式数据存储和检索市场整合到ConsenSys以太坊的产品组合中。

Building a decentralized data and transaction infrastructure for the future of the internet depends upon interoperation between decentralized protocols like Ethereum, Filecoin, and IPFS. That’s why we’re excited to announce Protocol Labs’ expanded collaboration with ConsenSys, one of the most trusted software engineering leaders in the Ethereum space. PL is the organization that led the development of IPFS and Filecoin, and this new collaboration integrates Filecoin’s distributed marketplace for data storage and retrieval into ConsenSys’s Ethereum product stack.

ConsenSys的完整产品套件可为数百万用户提供服务,并为各种软件和技术客户提供数十亿的区块链查询,这也是以太坊生态系统于2015年兴起的主要原因之一。多年来,ConsenSys一直引领集成IPFS的分布式存储网络来分散金融和以太坊生态系统。2016年,ConsenSys的Infura成为第一个提供IPFS API的产品,使在以太坊上构建应用程序的任何人都可以使用IPFS的分布式协议存储数据。通过这项新的合作,ConsenSys将帮助Filecoin走上类似的增长和成功轨迹。

ConsenSys’s full product suite serves millions of users and supports billions of blockchain queries for a wide variety of software and tech clients, and it was one of the main reasons why Ethereum’s ecosystem took off in 2015. For years, ConsenSys has led the way in integrating the decentralized finance and Ethereum ecosystems with IPFS’s distributed storage network. In 2016, ConsenSys’s Infura became the first product to offer an IPFS API, enabling anyone building applications on Ethereum to store their data using IPFS’s distributed protocol. With this new collaboration, ConsenSys will help put Filecoin on a similar trajectory of growth and success.


In more ways than one, Ethereum and IPFS are complementary ecosystems for the decentralized web; Ethereum provides guaranteed execution of agreements and decentralized transactions, while IPFS delivers the distributed storage solutions for data and information.


With the launch of Filecoin’s mainnet, Ethereum developers now have access to a new world of functionality for ensuring their data is safely stored in a decentralized and cost-efficient way. PL’s collaboration with ConsenSys aims to develop and introduce the new tools that developers and consumers need to easily make use of Filecoin’s next-generation blockchain and marketplace.

这是历史上特别令人激动的时刻。我们有机会构建新的技术基础架构,该基础架构可以改变下一代Web的信任和力量,将数据自主性,去中心化验证和防篡改数据系统置于Web和应用程序的中心位置发展。ConsenSys和Protocol Labs一起将帮助世界构建Web3的支持层。

This is a moment in history that is particularly poignant. We have an opportunity to build the new technological infrastructure that can change the nature of trust and power for the next generation of the web, one that will put data autonomy, decentralized verification, and tamper-proof data systems front and center for web and app development. Together, ConsenSys and Protocol Labs will help the world build the enabling layers of Web3.


Through this collaboration, ConsenSys will build on its full suite of tools to offer new functionalities that facilitate the use of the Filecoin network. These tools will further increase the convergence of Ethereum, IPFS, and Filecoin’s respective communities of builders, developers, and end users.


Filecoin Defi Bridge


ConsenSys的Codefi Activate,在一个用户友好的平台上通过实用代币促进区块链网络的启动和使用–已推出Filecoin Storage和Filecoin Defi Bridge,以将Filecoin市场连接到以太坊社区。Filecoin Storage提供了一个Web应用程序和一个API,可轻松搜索Filecoin市场上的存储价格,而Filecoin Defi Bridge允许用户可以使用Ren Protocol提供的令牌桥将其Filecoin(FIL)令牌转换为ERC-20令牌化FIL。




– MetaMask Snaps是一个可扩展的API系统,开发人员可以通过它向MetaMask的Web3门户添加新功能。MetaMask当前正在与Protocol Labs合作构建Filecoin Snap,这将使用户能够通过MetaMask访问各种Filecoin功能和权限。



–我们已经提到了Infura的突破性IPFS API。Infura现在为部分用户提供了一个新的Filecoin API测试版的免费访问权限,只有受邀者才能访问。这个测试版将为开发者提供访问Filecoin主板的便利,以在Filecoin网络上构建应用程序、附录、服务或功能。用户可以在此处向Infura注册以访问Beta。


– ConsenSys Software R&D和ConsenSys Mesh R&D已为Filecoin二次检索市场创建了架构和工程计划,以使用户能够使用各种设备(包括Web浏览器和智能手机)从Filecoin检索数据。

Tachyon Launchpad Accelerator


– 730,ConsenSys Labs开始接受由Tachyon支持的Filecoin Launchpad Accelerator的申请。这批技术初创公司刚刚完成了该计划的第一周,并正在通过IPFS和Filecoin为分布式网络构建更多可相互操作的工具,基础架构和应用程序。

ConsenSys Labs和Protocol Labs之间的新合作将Filecoin和以太坊生态系统整合在一起,以驱动下一代网络。借助ConsenSys产品套件中的这些新的和即将推出的功能,Filecoin矿工,开发人员和网络用户可以与以太坊生态系统无缝集成,反之亦然。

The new collaboration between ConsenSys Labs and Protocol Labs is bringing together the Filecoin and Ethereum ecosystems to drive the next generation of the web. With these new and upcoming features from ConsenSys’s product suite, Filecoin miners, developers, and users of the network can integrate seamlessly with the Ethereum ecosystem, and vice versa.

1021,ConsenSys的Joe Lubin与Protocol Labs的Juan Benet进行了炉边会议,讨论了这次合作以及web3的未来,由Naomi Brockwell主持。 Lubin说:“两个合法的重量级第1层协议是比特币和以太坊,我认为当我们建立去中心化协议生态系统时,Filecoin将迅速取代那些重量级协议之一。” 会议是本周Liftoff活动的一部分,庆祝Filecoin的启动。可以前往liftoff.filecoin.io,深入了解本周的所有活动。并了解有关此协作的更多信息,请访问ConsenSys网站。

On October 21st, ConsenSys’s Joe Lubin joined Protocol Labs’ Juan Benet for a fireside chat about this collaboration and the future of web3, moderated by Naomi Brockwell. “Two legit heavyweight Layer 1 protocols are Bitcoin and Ethereum, and I would argue that as we build out the decentralized protocol ecosystem, Filecoin will rapidly take its place as one of those heavyweight protocols,” Lubin said. The session was part of this week’s Liftoff events, celebrating the launch of Filecoin. Head over to liftoff.filecoin.io to dive into all the week’s events. And learn more about this collaboration head over to the ConsenSys site.