Filecoin最新经济模型 想挖FIL币重点关注 质押干货都在这

2024-06-30 区块链达人

Web3 Values. As an open source company deeply committed to Web3 values: 




, and 


 are extremely important to Protocol Labs. As we head into Filecoin Liftoff Week, we want to gather some bits of information and provide them in one place. Much of this information has been communicated in other venues. Some of this information is new and described here first. We hope our leadership on these topics can influence how the community evolves over time. We encourage other participants in the Filecoin Network to publish similar information where relevant, for the benefit of the many participants in the network.         V    zhang228289

Conflicting Values. PL is deeply committed to Web3 values, which include verifiability, transparency, privacy, security, and more. These values (like transparency and security) are often in conflict, and navigating them is not simple. PL takes its duties to the Filecoin community, to partners, to individuals, and to the broader Web3 ecosystem very seriously, especially in regards to these values.

Verifiability & Transparency. Much of Web3 was born from principles around correctness and verifiability, mixing some forms of transparency and some forms of zero-knowledge verifiability. In cryptography, transparency is not the absence of privacy, but rather verifiability of important properties, so that all parties can trust computations without having to violate privacy. PL takes its duty to transparency seriously, and this is why we often communicate our actions, or try to provide some way of ensuring verifiable correctness where we cannot or should not divulge details that would violate someone’s privacy or security.

Financial Privacy & Security. Much of Web3 was born from principles around financial security, privacy, and freedom. We live in a complex world where privacy is a form of security (opens new window). PL takes its duty to protect smaller organizations and individuals in this regard, and therefore often takes extensive measures to protect the security of others. This is why PL plans not to announce or divulge details about allocations of FIL to various groups or individuals. That said, many programs we engage in (e.g. some grant programs) will be done transparently and publicly, and those programs may divulge details at their discretion.

Storage services, long-term. In the Filecoin Crypto-economy, miners, clients, developers, token holders, and ecosystem partners all come together to produce valuable storage-related goods and services. The economic structures are designed to reward participants for providing valuable services to the network long-term, and to balance the interests of all network participants.

A product of many. For the past few years, many groups have been involved in the design and engineering of the Filecoin Crypto-economy: PL, mining groups, developer groups, mechanism design researchers, and more. During the last few months, and especially during the Filecoin SpaceRace (opens new window), the Filecoin Mining community has been deeply involved. Filecoin has also taken tremendous inspiration from Ethereum, Bitcoin, and many other cryptonetworks. PL & the Filecoin Community thank everyone who participated in this critical endeavor, directly and indirectly.

Engineering Filecoin’s Economy Report. Before launch, contributors to the Filecoin Project published a paper (opens new window)laying out the cryptoeconomics of Filecoin. We imagine that many future projects will emerge to improve the Filecoin cryptoeconomy, building on that work.       V    zhang228289

Transition to Community Governance. So far, PL has taken on most of the work and responsibility for designing the cryptoeconomy, but we have now fulfilled our duties. A big transition happened with launch. Going forward, it is now up to the community to develop the economy via community governance, rough consensus, Filecoin Improvement Proposals (opens new window)(FIPs), developer experimentation, and miners’ acceptance. PL will continue to opine and propose FIPs for community consideration, and we expect many other organizations to do so as well.

In order to promote long term alignment, FIL vests over a long horizon for a variety of stakeholders. Miners comprise 70% of the total 2B network allocation, with the remainder allocated and vesting as follows.

SAFTs. All SAFT holders received their FIL subject to 6 month, 1 year, 2 year, and 3 year linear vesting terms beginning at network launch. The majority of SAFT holder FIL tokens are vesting over 3 years.

Filecoin Foundation. The Filecoin Foundation’s 100M FIL vest linearly over 6 years, beginning at network launch.

Protocol Labs. Protocol Labs’s 300M FIL vest linearly over 6 years, beginning at network launch.

Much of PL’s fundraising remainder is allocated to various ecosystem supporting endeavors and other obligations. These may have different vesting schedules between 6 months and 6 years. 10M FIL has no vesting to enable market stabilization (more below).

Protocol Labs

PL understands the important role of its holdings for the broader community. PL has a long-term perspective on the Filecoin Network.

To be direct, PL has no immediate plans to sell FIL. PL will be developing a plan for diversification of its FIL endowment holdings over a long horizon of many years.

This FIL allocation includes a lot of other parties, such as grant recipients, team members, and more. Therefore, wallets associated with this allocation may or may not be controlled by PL over time. Movement in those wallets may not be related to PL.


SAFTs Delivered & Terminated. Tokens for SAFT holders have been delivered to their custodians, and the SAFT contracts have terminated.

Wallets and Custodians. A number of custodians and wallets were ready to onboard and support SAFT holders, including Coinlist, Anchorage, Gemini, Coinbase, Ledger, Glif, and some others launching soon including Metamask, TrustWallet and others.

Remainder. PL had some tokens remaining after the token sale. These were allocated for PL’s future fundraising, ecosystem development, market stabilization, and more. In 2017, we said we may sell them in a public sale around network launch, but we chose not to do that.

Filecoin Foundation

The Filecoin Foundation has been created and has been allocated an endowment of 100M FIL, vesting over 6 years, to help accelerate the Filecoin ecosystem.

As originally planned, the Filecoin Foundation is a separate organization -- independent from PL -- that will work on governance, long-term sustainability, development grants, user adoption, and more in the Filecoin ecosystem.

The Filecoin Foundation will be hosting events during Liftoff Week to highlight its team and strategy for accomplishing its mission.

No sales or transfers during lockup period. Like many‌ ‌projects‌ ‌in‌ ‌this‌ ‌space,‌ ‌Protocol Labs‌ ‌has‌ ‌instituted ‌a‌ ‌“lockup”‌ ‌period for‌ ‌tokens‌ ‌earned by‌ ‌PL‌’s current and former ‌employees and contractors.‌ ‌Lockups‌ ‌are a‌ ‌period ‌of‌ ‌time ‌after‌ ‌a‌ ‌crypto‌ ‌network‌ ‌launches‌ ‌during‌ ‌which‌ ‌the token‌ ‌project’s‌ ‌team‌ ‌members‌ ‌cannot sell ‌or‌ ‌exchange ‌the tokens ‌they‌ ‌have received as‌ ‌part of‌ ‌compensation‌ ‌from‌ ‌the ‌company.‌ ‌

Lockups are standard for reputable projects in the crypto network industry. Lockup‌ ‌periods‌ ‌are ‌now‌ ‌standard when‌ ‌crypto‌ ‌networks‌ ‌launch, and ‌signify‌ ‌to‌ ‌markets and community participants ‌that the project’s‌ ‌team‌ ‌members‌ ‌are ‌committed ‌to‌ ‌the ‌project ‌long‌-term.‌

Long-standing Commitment. PL has said publicly before that PL would use tokens “for market stability (buying and selling filecoin on exchanges to provide market liquidity, price stabilization, correcting unbalanced incentives for storage and retrieval miners, etc.)”              V    zhang228289

Liquidity Providers. For this purpose, PL made loans around network launch to independent liquidity providers that help to provide stability for the early hours after launch when prices are at risk of being volatile. To be clear: these are not sales of FIL from PL.

Amount available. To achieve this, PL set aside 10M FIL. So far, we have lent 818,000 FIL to 3 liquidity providers, and have allocated upto 1M total. The loan program described below will start with 1M FIL from this same pool. The remaining 8M are unused and in reserve, in case these types of programs require more.

Benefiting the community. These programs are primarily for the benefit of the community. In the first hours of a market, having liquidity available helps to prevent price manipulation, ensure small purchases don’t cause outsized price movements, and helps prices converge between exchanges which prevents speculative trading arbitrage opportunities.

Collateral loans. To support miners that seek to grow their operations to contribute additional storage to the growing ecosystem, PL is going to be allocating some amount of FIL to lend to miners at market interest rates for the purposes of funding pledge collateral.

To support miners. The purpose of these loans is to make Filecoin available to the core service providers of the Filecoin ecosystem in the weeks between launch and when markets or other participants make loans broadly available. This is not for PL to make profit. If there are profits, PL will contribute them towards grant funding to develop the ecosystem.

Standard sizing. These loans will have standard sizes to help miners grow at what we consider to be a healthy rate. However, they will not cover the demand for high growth that many miners are undertaking now. Those miners will have to meet their collateral requirements another way, perhaps by borrowing or purchasing FIL from token holders.

Temporal Limits. These loans will have daily limits per miner.

Only for collateral. These loans are to be used for collateral only. If miners do not use the FIL to pay for pledge collateral, they will not be eligible for future loans. The program will be able to verify this is the case on chain.

Administered by a third party. PL will dele


these loans to a third party provider, so that PL itself is not in the position of making the loans. Once this program is live, we will make an announcement with the chosen third party provider. FIL holders who wish to lend FIL this way should reach out to them as well

Token holders: please provide loans & replace PL. PL invites the broader community of token holders to step up and become participants of this form in the market. PL is responding to an urgent need expressed by the community and not yet satisfied by other parties. PL hopes and expects that this pilot loan program will soon be replaced by direct transactions between FIL holders and miners, perhaps mediated through loan markets.

To date, PL has awarded approximately 4M FIL in grants to various developers, contingent on specific milestones and with the standard grant vesting over 6 years, in many waves.

Some of our grants have been given with co-funders, like the Ethereum Foundation, the Web3 Foundation, and others.

Other organizations (like Textile) have also provided grants to developers and others users.   V    zhang228289

PL will continue to give grants to support various developers and communities.

We expect that other organizations will build new and larger grant programs. We are constantly in discussions with many organizations about grant programs.