
2024-03-24 区块链达人

近期 DeFi 市场的降温显而易见,矿币价格滑落、APY 回归合理区间。而依据 Debank 的数据统计,DeFi 市场的 TVL (总锁仓量)依旧维持着较高的水平。

The recent cooling of the DeFi market is obvious. The price of mining coins has fallen and APY has returned to a reasonable range. According to statistics from Debank, the TVL (total volume lock-up) of the DeFi market still maintains a relatively high level.

可见,短期因流动性挖矿汇聚的资金流、人流带动 DeFi 热潮暂告一段落,在大量的代码复制粘贴和分叉,同一模式在不同公链生态的迁移横条,因“套娃模式”而来的短期非理性繁荣正进入自我修复阶段,蓄势待发。

It can be seen that in the short-term, the flow of funds and people gathered by liquid mining has brought the DeFi boom to the end. A large amount of code is copied and pasted and forked, and the same model is migrated in different public chain ecology. The coming short-term irrational boom is entering a stage of self-repair and is ready to go.


Defi urgently needs to enter the next stage.

上个,波场系明星项目Petro备受青睐。在其1.0版本上线后快速聚合了大量流量,随之而来的市场抛压,信仰崩塌,也让Petro团队更加清醒的认识到,除了短效的代币激励和模式微创新外,更需要那些投机外的真实需求。于是,就有了去中心化治理组织Petro DAO,petro.finance将完全交给去中心化自治组织DAO。启动Petro DAO,就是为了让市场,让用户看到什么才是真正意义的“去中心化金融”。Petro不会过于理想化,未来的发展空间也充满了机遇,生于现在这种各类Swap的混乱时期,短暂辉煌、趋利高危的环境,相信在Petro价格回归理性后,因为还有一群对之信任并且支持的用户,Petro 1.0可以说是一个试探,DeFi也是通过不断迭代优化,才能落地应用。

Last month, petro, a star project in wave field, was in high demand. After its 1.0 version went online, it quickly aggre


d a large amount of traffic, and the subsequent market pressure and the collapse of belief also made the Petro team more soberly aware that in addition to short-term token incentives and model micro-innovation, it is more necessary. Those real needs outside of speculation. Thus, there is the Petro DAO, a decentralized governance organization, and petro.finance will be completely handed over to the decentralized autonomous organization DAO. Petro DAO was launched to let the market and users see what “decentralized finance” really means. Petro will not be too idealistic, and the future development space is also full of opportunities. Born in this chaotic period of various swaps, short-term brilliant, profitable and high-risk environment, I believe that after Petro s price returns to rationality, because there are still a group of trusted and supported users, Petro 1.0 can be said to be a trial. DeFi can be applied only through continuous iterative optimization.

Petro 2.0正在到来,投资价值未来可期。

Petro 2.0 is coming, and the investment value can be expected in the future.

近期Petro开发者团队正在筹备2.0版本,在新的版本中Petro将支持拆分属性,让平台价值回归。Petro DAO将更加良性健康地发展,保证对平台作出足够付出的用户获得相对等的回报,拆分后的代币为Gasoline(GSL),GSL和Petro都具有相对应的投票权益,代表社区成员对项目的治理权益,也代表了持币者的LP身份。

Recently, the Petro developer team is preparing for version 2.0. In the new version, Petro will support splitting attributes to return the value of the platform. Petro DAO will develop in a more benign and healthy manner, ensuring that users who have made sufficient contributions to the platform will receive a relatively equal return. The token after the split is Gasoline (GSL). Both GSL and Petro have corresponding voting rights and represent community members. The governance rights of the project also represent the LP identity of the coin holder.

在新的版本当中Petro通过精炼拆分生成Gasoline(GSL)。GSL会在每笔转账中自燃0.5%,实现了天生的代币通缩,GSL只能由Petro 消耗精炼产出,完全由Petro DAO的自治持币用户来获取其投入价值。

In the new version, Petro generates Gasoline (GSL) through refining and splitting. GSL will spontaneously burn 0.5% in each transfer, realizing a natural token deflation. GSL can only be consumed and refined by Petro, and the value of its input can be obtained by the autonomous token holders of Petro DAO.

事实上,Petro DAO的早期成员已经在九份沟通产品生态发展规划,并进行投票决定Petro 未来会由:Petro Lend,Petro Trade,Petro Composite,Petro Oracle,Petro Privacy五大核心协议模块,涵盖去中心化抵押借贷,去中心化衍生品交易,去中心化合成资产发行,保护隐私等应用范畴。

In fact, the early members of Petro DAO had already communicated the product ecological development plan in September, and voted to determine the future of Petro by: Petro Lend, Petro Trade, Petro Composite, Petro Oracle, Petro Privacy five core protocol modules, covering decentralization Mortgage lending, decentralized derivative transactions, decentralized synthetic asset issuance, privacy protection and other application areas.

为了使Petro长期稳定地发展,Petro DAO一致通过了2.0版本迭代升级的核心内容:

In order to enable Petro to develop steadily for a long time, Petro DAO has unanimously passed the core content of the 2.0 version iterative upgrade:

1.Petro消耗精炼GSL,其中90%是为消耗, 10%将进入Petro分红池;

1. Petro consumes refined GSL, 70% which is for consumption, and 10% will enter the Petro dividend pool;


2. Spontaneous combustion of 0.5% in each GSL transfer is regarded as natural deflation;


3. The rate of GSL refining and splitting output is proportional to the amount of Petro consumed by each account and the number of LP token pledges for GSL/TRX;


4. GSL s proposed fee rate is reduced to 10% in a week s cycle, and the highest is 45% (half is destroyed and half enters the GSL platform dividend pool)


5. In version 2.1, GSL will become the core token minted in the NFT section of the platform, and the entire community can mint unique NFT artworks;


6. Successfully minted NFT tokens have a certain probability of obtaining two dividend pools on the platform: Petro dividend pool and GSL dividend pool.


On the basis of 1.0, it is worth noting that during the refining process of Petro, some GSL will be used as a market reward for the community. It will be based on the Petro consumption of the first-level and second-level referrals, and 15% (15% for obtaining direct push addresses 5% of the mining revenue) and 5% (5% of the mining revenue obtained from the indirect address) are released to the recommender’s personal wallet address through smart contracts.


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